Задание 1. Составить краткий пересказ текста ( 8-10 предложений), используя фразы

The passage examines … The article deals with the problem of…

The first lines give… The following paragraph contains… The next section goes on with…

The author/writer… (The book… ) begins with the analysis of …. analyzes, examines…

describes … shows…, illustrates… mentions the fact that … continues with… sums up,


It is believed that… It is pointed out that… It is said that… It is assumed/suggested that… It is

stressed that…

We may conclude that … In conclusion we may say that…

Text 13. Effects of mechanization on American agriculture

The dominant trend in American agriculture in the past years can be summarized in two words - increased productivity,

The increased productivity is a resist of technological revolution1. The principal components of this revolution in crop and livestock production have been greater use of fertilizers, improved crop varieties, better breeding and feeding practices, better skills in management, mechanization and automation being the most important among them.

Mechanization and application of other scientific developments to farming have increased the output per farm worker. Hand labour required for farming has markedly decreased while the production per person has increased.

The increase in production is greater in crop farming than in livestock breeding because crop production has been mechanized to a greater extent2 than in livestock production.

About 50 years ago 27 per cent of the total population of the country was engaged in agriculture, now the employment in this sector of the economy is about 2.5%.

In 1955 labour made up 32 per cent of the cost of farming; by 1980 it only 3.1 per cent. The machinery cost in farming, on the other hand, has continued to increase.

The organization of agriculture in the years to come will use less land, lees labour, fewer but better managers and much more capital, machines and various types of technology. These trends have been in progress for decades and it is unlikely3 that there will be any change from this direction.

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