Задание 1. Some/any/no/every + their derivatives (body, thing, where). 1. Do you have … questions? No, we’ve … of them.
2. Do you have … tasty? Yes, I’ve … very delicious!
3. It’s a pity! … can answer my questions!
4. I meet them almost … day in university.
5. Would you like … tea?
6. Will you go … next summer?
7. We noticed … new in his image.
8. Is there … at home? No, there is … there.
9. … phoned you yesterday.
10. Where the scarf? – I can find it ….
11. How are you? – Thanks, … is ok.
12. He lives … near the theater.
13. Where’s my bag? – I don’t know. It can be ….
Task 2. Pronouns many, much, a lot of, (a)few, (a)little.
1. We have … time, so we can’t help you.
2. I’ve only … foreign books, but they’re very interesting.
3. How … juice is there in the bottle? – It’s very … there. The bottle is almost empty.
4. Are there … students in the classroom? – Yes, there’re … them there.
5. There was too dark outside. We met only … people in the street.
6. Say … but do ….
Task 3. Pronouns (the)another(s) /another, other, the other, others, the others/
1. One lesson ended, … began.
2. The lecturer asked … students.
3. Where’s the nearest post-office? It’s on … end of the street.
4. There were only several warm days in October. … days were rather cool.
5. I know a lot of names of fish: salmon, sardine and ….

Задание 1. Some/any/no/every + their derivatives (body, thing, where). 1. Do you have … questions? N

ustishca ustishca    2   25.11.2021 19:15    3

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