Задание. 1.
Say what you like or dislike about your job. Write sentences beginning with the phrases: My colleagues The hours The pay The facilities The building My boss The canteen The opportunities. Put them into the 'Good' column or the 'Bad' column. Напишите список из 20 существительных английского языка, у которых ярко выражен род, указав его.
Задание 2.
Используя лексику раздела, расскажите о Ваших командировках (реальных или предполагаемых). Минимальный объем - 20 предложений.— Do you often travel on business? Have you ever had any problems during your business trips? How did you solve them? If you had no problems, describe the process of the trip.

Kategio123 Kategio123    2   22.05.2020 18:28    12

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