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Wherever we go, we hear music around us (background music). In stores, restaurants, shopping centers there is music that creates one or another mood (piped music). Most films, performances are accompanied by music (incidental music).

Everyone has their own preferences in music, there are fans of orchestral (band music) or chamber music, modern or classical music.

We won’t dwell on each of the music styles that continuously appears, merge with each other, develop and have rather strange names, which, however, sound the same in English and in Russian. Anyway, everyone has his or her own music preferences and taste in music.

The person who composes music is called a composer (and not a “compositor”, as many are inclined to say), from the verb to compose – to write music.

Music performers are usually called a musician or a performer, from the verb to perform – to play music. In addition, musicians are often called according to the instrument on which they play.

Not every piece of music fits the familiar term song. If you are talking about other musical works, better use the expression above. There is also the word recording that can be used to designate a particular song. By the way, the word record can be both a verb which is read like [rɪ'kɔːd] and a noun which is pronounced like ['rekɔːd].

Usually in music, we like the melody (or tune), especially if it is well remembered (catchy tune), but it starts to get on our nerves if it is a haunting melody and we hum it all the time (to hum a melody).

Many people pay attention to the content of songs. In English it won’t be words or text, but lyrics.

If you can learn to understand sheet music and to read music in a music school, not everyone knows how to play by ear. To do this, you must have musical talent or an ear for music. Many people develop their singing talents and practice voice training (to teach voice) with or without specialists. If someone is deprived of musical ability, then they say about him tone deaf or earless. About a person who is deprived of hearing, who does not fall into the notes when he sings, you can also say to sing out of tune.


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ivchencov767 ivchencov767  16.01.2024 11:10
1. background music - музыка, играющая на заднем плане, создающая атмосферу
2. piped music - музыка, проигрываемая через динамики, например, в магазинах или ресторанах
3. incidental music - музыка, которая сопровождает фильмы или спектакли
4. band music - оркестровая музыка
5. chamber music - камерная музыка
6. composer - композитор, человек, создающий музыку
7. musician - музыкант, исполнитель
8. performer - исполнитель, музыкант
9. song - песня
10. recording - запись, включает одну песню
11. record - записывать, аудиозапись
12. melody - мелодия, тема
13. catchy tune - привлекательная мелодия, которая запоминается
14. to hum a melody - напевать мелодию
15. lyrics - текст песни
16. sheet music - ноты, запись музыкального произведения
17. play by ear - играть по слуху, без нот
18. musical talent - музыкальный талант
19. ear for music - чувство музыки, музыкальный слух
20. tone deaf - безслухой, неспособный различать ноты
21. sing out of tune - петь рассогласованно, неспособный петь на одной ноте

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