Задание 1 Прочитай текст. Выбери правильный ответ.
Where is Maria’s birthday party?
1. at school
2. at her house
3. outside
Today is Maria’s birthday. She is getting ready to go to school. She has a big breakfast with her family and then she walks out the door. “No one remembered my birthday! I can’t believe they forgot!” she says. She is very sad.
At school nobody remembers her birthday. Her friends ask her to play, but she stays in the classroom. She wants to be alone. “Last year they remembered my birthday, but not this year!” she says. Then she starts to cry.
Her teacher walks into the classroom. ”What is wrong, Maria? Why aren’t you playing outside with your friends?” she asks.” I don’t want to go outside,” Maria says. Maria tells her that she’s sad because everyone forgot her birthday. Her teacher kisses her and tells her that she shouldn’t be sad because her friends and family love her.
After school Maria takes the bus back home. She opens the front door, but the room is very dark, so she turns on the lights. Suddenly, she hears, “Surprise! Happy birthday!” from all her friends and family in the room. Maria is so happy! “I thought you forgot!” she says. “This is the best birthday! Thank you!”

Задание 2 Прочитай текст. Постарайся определить, какие слова пропущены. Заполни пропуски в тексте, используя слова, приведённые в рамке. kissed, lived, afraid, village, pet, understand
A long, long time ago there was a wolf that 0) lived in the woods. It was always hungry, so it went to a 1)………. nearby and stole food. The people were 2)………. of it.
One day the wolf saw a gentle and kind old man wearing a black robe. “Come here, Brother Wolf,” he said. The wolf could 3)……….. him! The old man was so kind, that the wolf sat down at his feet. “Brother Wolf, many people are angry because you steal their food, but if you promise to be good, they will love you,” the old man said. The wolf wagged his tail and 4)………. the old man’s hand. After that the wolf became the old man’s 5)……….. and they went to the village together.
When the people saw that the wolf wanted to be good, they always gave him food. The wolf was very happy. Soon the people of the village loved the wolf and they let him go in and out of their houses.

Задание 3 Закончи электронное письмо Джанет её подруге Эмме. Поставь глаголы в скобках в нужное время.
Dear Emma,
Hi! How are you? How 0) is (be) your new school? I 1)….. (write) to tell you about my birthday party next week. Can you come? It’s next Saturday at eight o’clock.
I am really excited! I usually 2) ….. (have) my party in my living room, but this year I 3) …. (have) it in the garden! Right now my Mum 4) ….. (decorate) the garden and my sister 5) ….. (help) her. My Mum usually 6) ….. (make) the cake, but this year I 7) ….. (make) it! I hope everyone 8) ….. (like) it!
What about you? Please write back soon and 9) ….. (tell) me about your new neighborhood. Take care!
Love, Janet

Задание 4. Напиши письмо своему новому другу по переписке о твоей любимой еде. Закончи приведённые ниже предложения.

Dear ,
Thank you for your letter.
My name is
I’m from
My favorite food is
is very popular in
There are and in it.
I usually have it for
It’s delicious! Why don’t you try it?
Best wishes,

kozaksolomia1 kozaksolomia1    1   21.05.2020 16:07    16

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