Задание 1. Переведите следующие предложения и определите функцию и форму причастия.

1. He is looking for the lost book.

2. The street leading to our house is very wide.

3. Having read the article I do not need it any longer.

4. Cities and towns destroyed during the war were built anew.

5. Having been built two centuries ago, the house has no lift.

6. Given the task he began to work.

Задание 2. Выберите нужную форму причастия.

A.1. The scientists (discussing / discussed) this problem will take part in the conference.

2. The problems (discussing / discussed) at the conference are of great importance for future research.

3. The subjects (studying / studied) in the first year at the Institute are: mathematics, chemistry, drawing geometry and others.

4. Students (studying / studied) foreign languages should read special literature in the original.

B.1. (While living / having lived) in St. Petersburg for ten years I visited all its famous museums.

2. (While living / having lived) in St. Petersburg for ten years I moved to Kiev.

3. (When solving / having solved) new problems scientists do a lot of research.

4. (When solving / having solved) this difficult problem scientists made a great breakthrough.

Задание 3. Образуйте нужную форму причастия от глагола, данного в скобках.

1. You can measure the force (act) on the body.

2. The force (apply) to the body was measured.

3. (Graduate) from the University, he began to work at an office.

4. The engine (test) required no improvement.

5. (Make) these experiments we can compare the weight of elements.

shevchenkotanu shevchenkotanu    3   21.05.2020 21:53    17

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