Задание 1: перепиши предложения в настоящее время пассивного залога.
My friends play badminton – Badminton is played by my friends.
Thousands of tourists visit Astana every year.
Italy produces these cars.
People play “Bingo” in Britain.
He opens new supermarkets every month.
They make cheese and milk in the village.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple passive.
Задание 2: перепиши предложения в время пассивного залога.
Mary sold a cup of coffee 10 minutes ago - A cup of coffee was sold by Mary 10 minutes ago.
Мария продала чашку кофе 10 минут назад – Чашка кофе была продана Марией 10 минут назад.
Sell (продавать) – неправильный глагол. Sell – sold – sold
They made the monument with white marble in 1655.
He sent the statue to Paris in 1863.
They kept the painting in the Louvre.
An American woman wrote that novel.
Children played football yesterday.