задание 1. Employers waпt to se1ect employees who have or who сап 1eam the skills пecessary to do the job. 2. Most emp1oyers will поt hire реор1е who are поt depeпdaЬle or who саппоt get along with others. 3. Thus, they waпt to leam as much as possiЬle about the skills, depeпdabllity апd persoпal characteristics of prospective emp1oyees. 4. Depeпding оп the job you are app1ying for, you rnight have to complete an applicatioп form, participate in опе or more employmeпt 189 interviews, submit а resume, take а test, have а physical examination, or submit references, samples of your work, and copies ofyour school records. 5. Each of these steps in the employment process provides the employer with important information about you.