зачетная работа, от 1.Подберите название к каждой формуле.
1. V/Vs 1. Present Simple of the verb to have
2. Am/is/are 2. Partiple1
3. To V 3. Present Continuous
4. Ved/V3 4. Present Simple of the verb to be
5. Has/have 5. Infinitive
6. Ving 6. Participle 2
7. To be Ved/V3 7. Passive Voice
8. Am/is/are Ving 8. Present Simple
9. Has/have Ved/V3 9. Present perfect

2. Найдите перевод соответствующий каждой формуле.
1. to V 1. Гл.+тся
2. Vs 2. Гл.+нный/тый/мый
3. Has/have Ved/V3 3. Гл.+ть
4. The+Ving+Noun 4. Гл.+у(ю)щий/а(я)щий
The+Noun+Ving 5. Гл времени соверш. вида
5. To be Ved/V3 6. Краткое причастие
6. The+Ved/V3+Noun 7. Гл.+ет/ит

3. Соотнесите модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
1. Can 1. To be to
2. May 2. To be able to
3. Must 3. To have to
4. to be allowed to

4. Впишите эквиваленты указанных модальных глаголов в Present Simple.
1. Any information … be represented by the binary system. (may)
2. A computer … put out information, display the answers when it receives them. (can)
3. Information for a digital computer … be in the form of digits or numbers. (must)

5. Определите название подчёркнутой грамматической формы.
1. Participle 1.
2. Participle 2.
3. Passive Voice.

1. Bits are typically grouped in units that are called bytes.
2. The bytes are handled usually in standard groups called machine worlds or just words.
3. The programmer compiling the program must have a good knowledge of mathematics.
4. A very important logical operation performed by a computer is determining.
5. The information is stored in the computer’s memory or storage.

6. Укажите синонимы и их перевод.
To perform to receive данные
To compute location цифра
To display small выполнять
To take in to calculate показывать
Cell data инструкция
Information a digit принимать
Command to carry out маленький
A figure to show вычислять
Little instruction ячейка

7. Укажите антонимы.

Inside integrating
Addition division
Multiplication big
Simple subtraction
Differentiating outside
Small complex

8. Составьте предложение.

1. Computer, software, and, is, instructions, programs.
2. Digits, digital, computer, a, uses.
3. Calculates, a, computes, or, computer.
4. The, is, program, in, computer, the.

9. Переведите на русский.
Today the Internet has become a world-wide network of networks. It interconnects millions of computers that differ in size, from comparatively simple to complex and huge mainframes and supercomputers.
The Internet is being used by people for many different purposes. Among them – to find and retrieve important documents, to carry on long distance conversations and relationships with other users, to connect to supercomputers and numerous other activities.
The Internet is made up of many types of computers and uses a great variety of different operating systems. These different operating systems and computers can exchange data by connecting computer networks with a standard set of communication procedures.

Answer the following questions.
1. What is Internet?
2. What devices is the Internet made up?
3. In what way do the operating systems exchange data?

Which of the given words are nouns? verbs? adjectives?
Hugeness, relation, to operate, numerous, set, unbelievable, can, amplification, size, mainframe, sizeless, to connect.

10. Выбери необходимое сказуемое и его перевод:
These digits … easily … . (Present Simple Passive)
1. multiply а) умножать
2. are multiplied б) умножают
3. will be multiplied в) будут умножены
11. Выберите необходимое сказуемое и его перевод:

Computer … a sequence of reasonable operations. (Present Simple Active)

1. performs Vs 1. выполняют
2. perform 2. выполняется
3. are performed 3. Выполняет гл+ет/ит

12. Выберите необходимое сказуемое и его перевод:
The computer … an instruction to compare the result. (Past Simple Passive)

1. is given 1. даётся
2. gave 2. дал
3. was given 3. была дана

8. Впишите причастие времени: (to perform)

Logical operations … by a computers are comparing, selecting, sorting, and determining.

9. Впишите причастие настоящего времени (to use)
The input unit consist of some device … different means.

Banannaa Banannaa    1   08.06.2020 14:28    40

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