за Напишите эти предложения в косвенной речи. 1. Tom said: “I have never been to the Bolshoi Theatre.”

2. Will said very loudly: “I don’t like these musicals.”

3. Pete asked: “Are you sitting in the stalls now?”

4. My parents said: “We returned to Moscow last week.”

5. Dora said: “Mum, we bought expensive tickets to the theatre yesterday.”

6. Jane said: “I’ve brought the books to the club, Harry.”

7. Viola said: “The girls who live here are very much alike.”

artemonimus artemonimus    1   22.12.2020 11:43    287

азаззазазаазз азаззазазаазз  21.12.2023 07:48
1. Tom said that he had never been to the Bolshoi Theatre.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we use the past simple tense to report statements made in the present simple tense.
Solution: Change "have" to "had" and remove the quotation marks.

2. Will said very loudly that he didn't like those musicals.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we use the past simple tense to report statements made in the present simple tense, and we change the pronouns and adverbs accordingly.
Solution: Change "don't" to "didn't", "these" to "those", and remove the quotation marks.

3. Pete asked if I was sitting in the stalls then.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we use "if" or "whether" to report questions.
Solution: Change "Are you sitting" to "if I was sitting", "in the stalls now" to "in the stalls then", and remove the quotation marks.

4. My parents said that they had returned to Moscow the previous week.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we use the past perfect tense to report past actions.
Solution: Change "We returned to Moscow last week" to "they had returned to Moscow the previous week" and remove the quotation marks.

5. Dora said to her mum that they had bought expensive tickets to the theatre the day before.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we change the pronouns accordingly, and use the past perfect tense to report past actions.
Solution: Change "we" to "they", "yesterday" to "the day before", and remove the quotation marks.

6. Jane told Harry that she had brought the books to the club.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we change the pronouns accordingly, and use the past perfect tense to report past actions.
Solution: Remove "I've", change "brought" to "had brought", and remove the quotation marks.

7. Viola mentioned that the girls who lived there were very much alike.
Explanation: In indirect speech, we use the past simple tense to report statements made in the present simple tense, and we change the pronouns accordingly.
Solution: Change "are" to "were" and remove the quotation marks.
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