ЗА 50 РУБ Read the texts. Match the people to the rules they should observe. One person is extra.
Заполните пропуски в тексте:

1. You mustn't bring food and drinks (other than water in an appropriate plastic container).
2. You mustn't bring grills, gas or electric cooking devices.
3. You can't wear street clothes, gym shorts or underwear.
4. You can't run, play rough games, push or jump.
5. Children under 12 years old must be with an adult supervisor.
6.Children seven years old and under must wear a wristband and a life jacket.


1. Look for a safe place to cross.
2. Look right and left and listen for traffic.
3. Walk briskly straight across the road when it is clear.
4. You mustn't cross at a corner.
5. You mustn't cross near or at parked vehicles.
6. Never cross in front of a stopped bus.


1. You must be punctual.
2. Wear correct uniform.
3. You must respect the rights of others, don't disturb or interrupt them.
4. Complete the assigned work.
5. Work quietly and follow all the instructions.
6. You must obtain the permission before asking questions, moving, or addressing others.


1. You can't bring food and drinks.
2. Silence must be observed strictly.
3. You can't reserve seats.
4. You can't bring bags, umbrellas, parcels and books.
5. You must be decently dressed and behave properly.
6. On leaving you must produce for inspection books and items taken.

artem705 artem705    3   18.03.2021 12:22    158

человекимир5 человекимир5  16.01.2024 12:41
Студент - правила, которым должен следовать ученик в школе. Ответ: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6.

Читатель - правила, которым должен следовать человек, читающий книгу или журнал. Ответ: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6.

Пациент - правила, которым должен следовать человек, находящийся в медицинском учреждении. Ответ: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6.

Пешеход - правила, которым должен следовать человек при переходе дороги. Ответ: B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6.

Пловец - правила, которым должен следовать человек, плавающий в водоеме. Ответ: A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6.
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