За 30мин ЕСЛИ НЕ ТРУДНО, БУДУ БЛАГОДАРНА! Put the phrases into the right order to make up a story. After negotiations French offered to sell the Port of New Orleans for $10 million.

In 1801 Thomas Jefferson became the president of the United States. The country’s western border was Mississippi River.

In addition they offered the rest their lands around the port for $5 million.

Most part of what was west of Mississippi was French.

President Jefferson wanted this land to be a part of the USA but he didn’t want to start a war with France, so he found a different way.

So, in 1803 this great addition to the territory was made at a low cost without any conflict.(внимание, за не правильное решение жалоба)

alexanders4234 alexanders4234    2   20.10.2020 01:17    36

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