Your brother has got a scooter. -- Has he? Your scooter is in the garage. - Is it?

1. He has got a scanner. --

2. The scanner is in the teachers' room. --

3. The teachers' room is on the first floor. --

4. The teachers have got three printers. --

5. The teachers are in the teachers' room.

6. I am a student. -

7. I have got a skateboard. -

8. Test One is easy. --

9. The dog is afraid of the cat. --

10. My grandfather has got a lot of apple trees.

11. My grandparents have got a garden. -

12. The apple trees are old.

13. I have got a garage.

14. He has got a car.

15. Your umbrella is in the car.

16. Your bike is in the garage.

17. His cars are in the box.

18. Your gloves are in the ​

kuzyaevkuzyaev2 kuzyaevkuzyaev2    1   17.06.2020 23:36    6

olgaollik olgaollik  15.10.2020 14:25

1. Has he?

2. Is it?

3. Is it?

4. Have they?

5. Are they?

6. Am I?

7. Have I?

8. Is it?

9. Is it?

10. Has he?

11. Have they?

12. Are they?

13. Have I?

14. Has he?

15. Is it?

16. Is it?

17. Are they?

18. Are they?

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