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= youe bea? 4 Commelele the centences wh the corrmet arcpoulilan. twee what reale de meten te Hoe le

луч16 луч16    1   01.07.2021 15:25    0

michukdblack michukdblack  01.07.2021 15:30
How long did you wait for your bus?Do write to us soon, and tell us all your news.What time did you arrive to work? Were you late?Sorry, I can't pay for this meal.Be careful when you jump into the swimming pool.Adam's worried about his driving test tomorrow.We aren't sure if we'll go to the beach. It depends on the weather.Claire fell in love with her boyfriend soon after they met.
Даня324556 Даня324556  01.07.2021 15:30

1- for

2- to

3- at

4- for

5- into

6- about

7- on

8- with


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