You аrе going to саrry out а telephone survey оп behalf of а skateboarding club. Think of
5 questiбns io asK. Ybu may stагt the conversation Ьу saying, 'Hello! lt's.a survey of the
skiteboarding club. we kinJly ask you to take раrt iп оur survey. we need to find out how
уоuпg реорlБ feel about sЙаtеЬоЬrdiпg. Please апSvrlеr five questions. The survey is
апопуmоus -
you don't have to give уоur паmе. So, let'S get started!'
Yоu have 2 minutes to рrераrе your 5 аrе going to саrry out а telephone survey оп behalf of а skateboarding club. Think of
5 questiбns io asK. Ybu may stагt the conversation Ьу saying, 'Hello! lt's.a survey of the
skiteboarding club. we kinJly ask you to take раrt iп оur survey. we need to find out how
уоuпg реорlБ feel about sЙаtеЬоЬrdiпg. Please апSvrlеr five questions. The survey is
апопуmоus -
you don't have to give уоur паmе. So, let'S get started!'
Yоu have 2 minutes to рrераrе your 5 questions.

EstrWite EstrWite    1   21.05.2020 13:27    1

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