Year after year, El Bulli in Spain has won the award fo r the w orld's best restaurant. It opens fo r
six m onths a year, only fo r dinner and only fo r 50 people a night. The amazing thing is that
(1) 800,000 people call or email fo r a table every season!
W hat makes El Bulli so (2 ) ? Its chef, Ferran Adria, does amazing things
w ith food. During the w inter months, he spends his tim e in a laboratory instead o f a kitchen
and it's there that he creates (3 ) new dishes. He experim ents with
ingredients to see w hat happens when they are grilled, baked or (4 )and
he is famous fo r transform ing (5 )recipes. Food critics say th a t his food
and flavours are very im aginative. He really is the king o f (6) restaurants!
But if you're (7 ) fo r incredible food, check your w allet first. A meal at El
Bulli costs around 250 euros per person. For th a t you g e t 30 small courses m ade up o f a
(8) o f meat, fish, seafood and vegetable dishes, as well as desserts. It's
sure to be unforgettable!