Язык. вставите предлоги или глаголы в нужные предложения. was. had been were to on opf in with inside monday the sun but until then it raining sreadily.my mum making special food all the previsious day so we had a great picnik to take the afternooon just as we eating one mums fantastic cream cakes there was a flash and then we heard the first thunder. within second it pouring rain. everyone ran the car and jumped time!

лиза2677 лиза2677    2   08.06.2019 09:40    1

vaflya2007 vaflya2007  01.10.2020 22:10
On Monday the sun was shining but until then  it  raining steadily.
My mum was making  special food all the previous day so we had a great  picknik to take ..  us. In the afternoon just as we had been eating one of Mum's fantastic cream cakes there was a flash of lightning and then we heard the first thunder. Within second it was pouring of rain. Everyone ran to the car and jumped inside. Just had been in time!
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