Язык. сделать текст во вложении..

2.. перепишите, вставив необходимые предлоги:

1. jim often called pilkins the druggist's shop.

2. jim was love rosy, and she was .

3. jim stopped and looked pilkins.

4. pilkins listened jim in silence.

5. i shall give the drug rosy when i see her supper to-night.

6. i shall wait window.

3. согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями.

(l’am afraid) that's wrong (боюсь, что) это неверно

that's quite right совершенно верно

that's not quite true to the fact это не совсем соответствует факту

according to the согласно

1. jim was inlove with riddle's sister.

2. jim was not frank and never talked of rosy.

3. "i am sure", said jim, "that rosy will not change her mind again.”

4. “i shall give rosy the drug when i see her at breakfast tomorrow morning", said jim.

5. "i cannot make up such a drug," said pilkins.

6. pilkins told jim that he himself was in love with rosy.

7. "my room is just under rosy’s said old riddle, "i'll go there myself before supper and wait for her."

8. as pilkins had learned the outcome of the tragedy that night, he did not go to old riddle's in the morning.

4. translate:

молодой шофёр; он был влюблён; жениться; аптека; за­ходить (к кому-нибудь); заходить (куда-нибудь); он казался взволнованным; убежать; снадобье (зелье); ложиться спать; пилкинс тайно любил роузи; машина скорой ; ждать; порошок; проделывать фокусы.

5. ответьте на вопросы. старайтесь не смотреть в текст:

1. was jim a clerk at a druggist's shop?

2. whose place was jim a boarder at?

3. whom was he in love with?

4. what did jim and rosy want?

5. why was rosy's father against their wish?

6. where did jim's friend work?

7. what did jim ask pilkins about?

8. what did jim and rosy decide to do that night?

9. was jim to wait for her under the window?

10. what did pilkins give to jim?

11. what did pilkins say to himself?

12. was pilkins secretly in love with rosy?

13. what did pilkins learn from jim next morning?

14. did jim know that the powder was morphia and not a love drug?

Kaka2764 Kaka2764    3   26.10.2019 15:31    118

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