Як в Україні святкують великдень. на англійській мові 4 клас​

miniahmetovtimu miniahmetovtimu    2   03.04.2020 21:14    0

GgWp2213 GgWp2213  12.10.2020 13:50

In spring, Ukraine celebrates a wonderful Easter holiday or as it is called Easter. On the eve of this holiday, moms, grandmothers, aunts, together with their children, bake Easter eggs, paint eggs in their onion shells, or make so-called colorful eggs and Easter eggs. On Easter night, people go to church and stand there and pray to God all night, and in the morning the Holy Father gives Easter, eggs, lard and other Ukrainian dishes and people go home, wake all other family members and have breakfast together. and the greeting for Easter sounds like this: they say hello to "Christ is risen!" and answer "truly is risen!"

I really like Easter!


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