XIV. Fill in prepositions or adverbs wherever necessary: 1 . Soames had courted ... Irene for a long time before she ac­ cepted ... him. 2 . Irm going to introduce you ... my friend. 3. Ird like to get acquainted ... your plan. 4. Who is she married ...? — She is married ... a well-known artist. 5. Will you inform me ...
decision? 6 .
W e
got some information
... the matter we
in terested
... .
7. W e w ere surprised
... her refusal.
8 . George Meadows went ... sea when his brother married ...
Emily. 9. I'm sure you will regret ... your act. 10. She is going to marry one ... our students. 1 1 . ... our surprise we found nobody ... home. 12. He likes to b o ast... his strength. 13. W hat is she ...? — She is tall and very beautiful. 14. She is ... her mother.

ismail00 ismail00    3   09.02.2021 18:34    69

incest incest  26.01.2024 08:23
1. Soames had courted Irene for a long time before she accepted him.
Explanation: The preposition "for" is used to show the duration of time - in this case, how long Soames courted Irene.

2. I'm going to introduce you to my friend.
Explanation: The preposition "to" is used to show the person being introduced.

3. I'd like to get acquainted with your plan.
Explanation: The preposition "with" is used to show the object or topic someone wants to become familiar with.

4. Who is she married to? - She is married to a well-known artist.
Explanation: The preposition "to" is used to show the person to whom someone is married.

5. Will you inform me about your decision?
Explanation: The preposition "about" is used to show the topic or subject someone wants to be informed about.

6. We got some information on the matter we were interested in.
Explanation: The preposition "on" is used to show the subject or topic someone is seeking information about.

7. We were surprised at her refusal.
Explanation: The preposition "at" is used to show the feeling or reaction towards someone or something.

8. George Meadows went to sea when his brother married Emily.
Explanation: The preposition "to" is used to show the destination or goal of someone's action.

9. I'm sure you will regret your act.
Explanation: No preposition is necessary in this sentence.

10. She is going to marry one of our students.
Explanation: The preposition "of" is used to show possession or belonging.

11. To our surprise, we found nobody at home.
Explanation: The preposition "to" is used to show the recipient or target of someone's surprise.

12. He likes to boast about his strength.
Explanation: The preposition "about" is used to show the subject or topic someone likes to boast about.

13. What is she like? - She is tall and very beautiful.
Explanation: The preposition "like" is used to compare or describe the qualities or characteristics of someone.

14. She is like her mother.
Explanation: The preposition "like" is used to compare or show similarity between two people.
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