X Read the text about keeping fit. Match the
paragraph headings. 6)
Keeping fit
Control your weight
Being too thin is as
To stay fit, you must bad for your health as
live an active life. If you being too fat. If you
don't like going to the have too much weight,
gym, you can start with you don't only need to
simple exercises at
start doing exercise,
home. They will help but also keep a diet.
you keep fit. You can
Do not eat fast food as
walk or ride a bike
it has a lot of fats.
instead of using public Drink more fresh
transport. You can use water and minimize
stairs instead of a lift.
sweet fizzy drinks.
It helps you stay active They have a lot of
during the day. It is
sugar which can add to
unhealthy to sit in
your weight.
front of the computer
all day
When you do sport, it Working out with a
is better to do it in a group of people is
good mood. With a more interesting than
smile on your face, you doing exercises alone.
will have a better You can go to the gym​

Tipaniktuta Tipaniktuta    1   25.04.2021 06:55    6

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