WRITING Topic Organic and Non-organic Worlds

Look at the picture below. Use quantifiers some and any correctly where it is necessary.

You may use these questions to write:

1.What products are named as organic and some are non-organic?

2.Why do you think some products are organic and some non-organic?

3.What farmers should do to have more organic products in the shops?

4.Should the price be equal for both groups?

5.Why do people buy and eat more nonorganic foods?

WRITING Topic Organic and Non-organic WorldsLook at the picture below. Use quantifiers some and any

Fixa Fixa    1   24.12.2020 07:16    173

унитазавр унитазавр  23.01.2021 07:17

Inorganic substances (inorganic compounds) — simple substances and compounds that are not organic, that is, do not contain carbon, as well as some carbon-containing compounds (carbides, cyanides, carbonates, carbon oxides C2O, CO and CO2 and some other substances[⇨], which are traditionally classified as inorganic). Inorganic substances do not have a carbon skeleton characteristic of organic substances.

Bio-products (also organic products) — agricultural and food products manufactured without the use (or with less use) of synthetic pesticides, synthetic mineral fertilizers, growth regulators, artificial food additives . The introduction of "organic production" leads to a decrease in yield, an increase in the duration of production and an increase in prices.


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