Writing Task 2. In the article, “A Mighty Flier,” you learned about the world's smallest bird, the bee
hummingbird. Write a short essay in which you compare and contrast the hummingbird to any
other type of bird. In your writing, list five ways the hummingbird is similar to other bird you
choose. Then, list five ways a hummingbird is different from the other bird.
You should
Brainstorm Similarities and Differences
Use the following organization of the essay
an introduction which clearly defines the topic to be covered;
the main body, in which the topic is further developed in detail;
the conclusion – summary of the topic or a final opinion, recommendation or comment.
Use Words and Short Phrases to Compare
same as
as well as
also, too
Use Words and Short Phrases to Contrast
in contrast to
as opposed to
different from whereas