Task 1. Read the description and write down what is it. Then write from what material it is made of.
(Прочитай описание и напиши на английском языке о каком предмете идет речь. Затем напиши
материал, из которого данный предмет обычно изготавливают)
1. We use it for changing channels on TV.
- It’s made of .
2. We use it for cleaning floors without electricity.
- It’s made of .
3. We use it for lighting a room.
- It’s made of .
4. We use it for planting flowers.
- It’s made of .
5. We use it for checking your appearance.
- It’s made of .

- / 5 points

Task 2. Read the text. Do the tasks below. (прочитай текст и выполни задания ниже)
Computers can do many things. They can do math, store information
or play music. You can use a computer to write or to play interesting
games. What do you know about the history of computers?
The first computers were very big. People did not have them at home.
Old computers could only do simple math, like a calculator.
In 1958, Jack Kilby invented the microchip. Microchips are tine
but can store lots of information. They helped make computer smaller. In 1970s,
computers were smaller and cheaper so people started to use them at home.
In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web to organize information on
the Internet. Now people all over the world use it.
Do you know that the first computer mouse was made of wood?
1. Circle True or False. (определи верные (True) или ложные (False) данные утверждения)
1. Microchips are very small and store lots of information. True False
2. Alan Turing invented the microchip in 1958. True False
3. People started to use computers at home in the 1970s. True False
4. The first computer mouse was made of plastic. True False
2. Find words-adjectives in the text and write down them in the table.
(найди в тексте слова-прилагательные и запиши их в таблицу (одно слово в каждый столбик)

Opinion Size Age Material

/ 5 points
- store information –
хранить информацию
-tine – крошечный изобретать
-cheaper - дешевле

egor535 egor535    1   21.05.2020 12:54    7

ghvcn ghvcn  21.05.2020 13:30

ты лох, нечего мне писать в ответах такое) Малолетка.

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