Write your own blog Think about what could be improved in your home, neighborhood, and elsewhere. What could you do to make it better

Элина1111111111112 Элина1111111111112    3   07.10.2020 18:04    1

Janiya1404 Janiya1404  07.10.2020 19:01

In general, with all agree - there are many problems and they never run out . With regard to education , there should be solved at a higher level, while at the same paramount money. Frankly, I wish that all " fake " branches have closed, and there are real universities and branches with high-class teachers. Then the study will be worth something . Kindergartens, of course, a problem. And the problem of playgrounds children playing in the yards nowhere actually. In addition , it is necessary to solve the problem with avtostyankami . Machines divorced many , all of them are in the yards ( where else to go ). So it is necessary to seek a way out of the situation and, preferably, a modern - not on the ground, so it is necessary under the ground. Still do not like horror as izgazhennost nearby woods and hills , this, too, need something to do. In short , the list is long. And I very much want Uchaly finally have a sports complex type abzakovskogo - are we less. This is an aid for the budget and reason to make the city better

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