- Английский язык
- Write True or False next to the
Write True or False next to the sentences. 1. The British like watching sports more than playing them.
2. The most popular spectator sports are rugby and football.
3. The game of football was first played in the USA.
4. A typical amateur cricket match takes place on a village green.
Task 2. According to the story complete these sentences.
1. Football, or soccer, is an example of a ….
A) amateur game
B) professional sport
C) professional game
2. There are many amateur soccer players in Britain who play the game on…..
A) Thursday or Sunday afternoon
B) Saturday or Sunday afternoon
C) Saturday or Sunday evening
3. …..is another popular British sport which is played in other countries.
A) Cricket
B) Rugby
C) Football
4. …. is the favourite summer sport.
A) Cricket
B) Rugby
C) Football
Use of English.
1. What ……… do next weekend?
A) you will
B) are you going to
C) will you to
2. I think I ……… to bed. I'm tired.
A) going
B) am going
C) will go
3. They ……… study together tomorrow.
A) will
B) will go
C) are going to
4. Temperatures ……… probably rise in the future.
A) going to
B) will
C) are going to
5. I’m hungry; I ……… myself a nice healthy salad.
A) will make
B) am going to make
C) am making
6. Jansulu and Raya ……… the tennis tournament at school today.
A) enter
B) are entering
C) entering
7. They look good. I ……… one.
A) will try
B) am trying
C) am going to try

1 true 2 true 3 false 4 true 5 true 6 prof game 7 sat or sun afternoon 8 rugby 9 cricket