Write the sentences as in the example she/to travel by car/next summer i/to buy a present /tomorrow we/to go to the cinema/after classes + ? -

FOMALEKSANDRA99 FOMALEKSANDRA99    3   22.06.2019 02:30    4

Вероніка200419 Вероніка200419  17.07.2020 12:40


She will travel by car next summer.

I shall (или will) buy a present tomorrow.

We shall (или will) go to the cinema after classes.


Will she travel by car next summer?

Will you buy a present tomorrow?

Shall (или will) we go to the cinema after classes?


She won't travel by car next summer.

I shan't (или won't) buy a present tomorrow.

We shan't (или won't) go to the cinema after classes.

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