Write the same in one word. 1. a kind of platform in a theatre on which actors perform. 2. place in a theatre where visitors leave their coats, hats, etc for a short time. 3. heavy material often hanging over the stage. it can close the stage from the audience. 4. a theatrical performance in which they tell a story with the help of music and dancing. 5. in theatres and cinemas the place where people buy tickets. 6. the highest floor in a theatre. 7. the place in a theatre where people can get some cold food and drinks. 8. the seats on the ground floor in the teatre. 9. a hall in a theatre where people come together and talk. 10. the place in front of a theatre stage where musicians sit and play.

qwexxw qwexxw    3   11.08.2019 09:10    15

syedelifozq8ou syedelifozq8ou  04.10.2020 11:04
1 - the stage
2 - the cloak-room
3 - the curtain
4 - a ballet 
5 - the box-office
6 - the gallery
7 - the buffet /= the refreshment room
8 - the stalls - ( the orchestra stalls and the pit stalls)
9 - the foyer (En.);  the lobby (Am.)
10 - the (orchestra) pit
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