Write the correct translation. You will have the names of free-time activities. Don't forget to put verbs with -ing.

1. занятие рыбалкой
2. фотография (как занятие)
3. катание на водных лыжах

Юля5900274 Юля5900274    1   24.04.2020 10:12    26

AgentElizabeth007 AgentElizabeth007  11.01.2024 16:17
1. The correct translation for "занятие рыбалкой" is "going fishing." In English, we use the word "going" before the activity to express that someone is doing that activity. For example, "going swimming," "going hiking," etc. The noun "fishing" is changed to the verb form with "-ing" as "going fishing."

2. The correct translation for "фотография" (как занятие) is "taking photos." In English, we use the phrase "taking photos" to describe the activity of capturing images with a camera. The verb "photography" is changed to the verb form with "-ing" as "taking photos."

3. The correct translation for "катание на водных лыжах" is "water skiing." In English, we use the phrase "water skiing" to describe the activity of skiing on the water while being pulled by a boat. The noun "skiing" is changed to the verb form with "-ing" as "water skiing."

Remember, when translating free-time activities, it is important to properly use verbs with "-ing" in English to convey the idea of participating in the activity.
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