Write sentences in reported speech. "i like football",she said. she said that she liked football. 1."i'm doing my homework",he told me. 2."i saw tania in town",she said. 3."i gaven't seen the new film",he said. 4."i'll call later",she said. 5."we can go to the cinema",she told me.

abdullaeff4 abdullaeff4    3   29.08.2019 09:20    4

Чикчирик12 Чикчирик12  06.10.2020 02:38
1 He told me that he was doing his homework.
2 She said that she had seen Tania in town.
3 He said that he hadn't seen the new film.
4 She said that she would call later.
5 She told me that we could go to the cinema.
света940 света940  06.10.2020 02:38

he told me that he's doing his homework

she said that she had seen Tania in town

he said that he hadn't seen the new film

she said that she would call her later

she told me that we could go the cinema

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