Write questions to the sentences. example he asked a silly question. (what) 1. he visited his aunt in summer. (when 2. my father likes to travel by train. (how) 3. she has never been at a big railway station. (why) 4. we buy railway tickets at the booking-office. (where) 5. some children go to school by bus. (by what)

PonchiKmm PonchiKmm    3   26.07.2019 06:50    5

Сашуля141 Сашуля141  24.09.2020 20:25
1. When did he visit his aunt?
2.How does your father like to travel?
3. Why has she never been at a big railway station?
4. Where do they buy the railway tickets?
5. By what do some children go to school?
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