Write out the sentences with Passive Voice from the text (ex.2A, p.69-70) and underline
predicates. Translate the sentences into Russian.

M ikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (1711— 1765) was

a Russian scientist and w riter who made impor-
tant contributions to literature, education and

science. Among his discoveries was the atmo-
sphere ['aetmasfta] of Venus ['vi:nas]. H is interests

lay in chem istry, physics, optics, geography, his-
tory and art. H is poetry helped to develop the

modern Russian language.
Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka
(now Lomonosovo) near Kholm ogory in the far
north of Russia. H is father, first a fisherman,

eventually bought a ship and began transporting things from Arkhan-
gelsk to other places. W hen M ikhail was ten, his father decided that the

boy was old enough to help him.
However, young Lomonosov was not interested in the fam ily business.
Learning was what he wanted. H is neighbour had taught him to read
and he spent as much time as he could w ith books, among which there
was a grammar book and a book of arithm etic. The knowledge he got at
home was not enough for Lomonosov and in 1730, at nineteen he left
the village and joined a caravan ['kaeravan] travelling to Moscow.
Here he entered Slavic Greek Latin Academy [a'kaedami] and lived on
bread and water for quite a long time but made rapid progress ['praugres]
as a student. He completed a twelve-year study course [ka:s] in only five

years, and graduated from the Academy w ith b rilliant results. A fantas-
tic student, he was given an opportunity to go to Saint Petersburg U n i-
versity and later to the U niversity of Marburg in Germany.
The latter was among Europe’s most im portant universities in the 18th
century, Lomonosov quickly learned German and developed an interest in
German literature and philosophy. He seriously studied chem istry and
began w riting poetry. In Germ any Lomonosov got m arried. The money
he got from the Russian Academy of Sciences was not enough for his
growing fam ily and he decided to return to St Petersburg.

A t home he became a member of the Academy, and soon was made pro-
fessor [prs'fesa] of chem istry. W ishing to improve education in Russia he

and Count1 Ivan Shuvalov founded Moscow University.
Lomonosov developed a number of im portant theories and made some

b rilliant discoveries, wrote poetry some of which is remembered till now-

1) Lomonosov was

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