Write an essay about one of the professions in the box. Use have to/don’t have to. Add some job qualities and other words in the box. nurse theme park mascot accountant gardener baker

police officer pizza delivery boy cashier vet hairdresser mechanic pilot

outdoor indoor factory full-time part-time dayshift

job qualities: friendly, brave, enthusiastic and so on.

Follow the plan below:

1. Name

2. Job

3. Where works

4. How long works

5. Job descriptions

6. Qualities for the work

7. Pros and cons

For example:

This is Maira (1). She is a teacher (2). She works at school, so she has an indoor job (3). She works part-time (4). She comes home when her lessons are over (4). She has a very responsible job, she teaches kids (5). She is friendly because she is always there to help children (6). She is also hardworking, she sometimes stays late planning the lesson for the following day (6). She is patient too (6). She tries to be calm every time when someone doesn’t understand something and she has to explain it more than once (6). She doesn’t have to be fit but she really cares about her health, so she does exercises every morning(6). She really loves her profession because it’s exciting and interesting, but she sometimes gets tired of long paper works(7).

Write an essay about one of the professions in the box. Use have to/don’t have to. Add some job qual

Artëm1646 Artëm1646    1   24.12.2020 07:04    0

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