Write about three animals. Don't write the names. Напишите о трёх животных. Не пишите их названия
e.g. This animal is . It lives in . It can .
Это 6 класс.

Domashka00 Domashka00    3   04.03.2022 01:46    3

88000535285 88000535285  04.03.2022 01:50

1) This animal is a mammal. It lives in Southeast Asia and Africa in tropical forests and savannahs. It can pick souds very good. (Это Слон, Elephant). 2) This animal is a reptile. It lives in forests, plains or mountains, and sometimes in water. It can fly. (Птица, Bird) 3) This animal is a predatory mammal. It lives in the steppes, semi-deserts, tundras, forest-steppes. It can jump up to 5 meters high. (Волк, Wolf). Рад был ! Не забудьте оценить!

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