Write a review of a book or film that you have read or seen The following questions will help you to organize your review.
1. What is the book or film? What is the title?
2. Who are the main characters?
3. What happens?
4. Did you like this book or film? Why?
5. Who would you recommend it for? Why?​

AngreilKyzmun AngreilKyzmun    1   18.03.2021 10:34    0

jamashkinpavel jamashkinpavel  17.04.2021 10:39

I am going to say a few words about a story I have recently read.

The book is written by the well-known English writer  William Somerset Moem.

 The title of the book is "The Theatre". It was published in 1937.

 It is a novel about great artist and her love adventures .

 The plot of the book is exciting and tricky.  The main character is 46 year old actress Julia Lambert.

The book tells us about collisions of love, people`s behaviour and life behind the scenes of the theatre.

 There are some humorous  episodes in the book.

On the whole the book is good. It is worth reading.

 If you like a good novel and wonderful old style, I advise you to read it.


С.Моэм "Театр"

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