_ Wri Write we, you, he, she, it or they. Your brother and you - you 1. giraffes - 2. a book - 3. Alice - 4. Tom --- 5. people - 6. Oscar and you - 7. an elephant 8. my sister and I 9. an old man - 10. my mother - 11. my friends and I - Che Choose the

askal1 askal1    2   03.09.2021 12:07    50

Nimixim Nimixim  03.09.2021 12:10

1. giraffes - it;

2. a book - it;

3. Alice - she;

4. Tom - he;

5. people - you;

6. Oscar and you - you;

7. an elephant - it;

8. my sister and I - we;

9. an old man - he;

10. my mother - she;

11. my friends and - I we;

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