Work with your partner or in small groups and answer the questions. 1. What sports do you like to play? to watch?
2. What sports do you hate? Why? 3. What wheelchair sports do you know?
4. What sports do you play? How long have you played them? What's fun
about them? What's difficult? What clubs have you belonged to? Did you play on a team? What is the name of the team? What was your position?
5. What sport would you like to take up next? 6. Have you ever gone to a swimming school? tennis school? When?
7. Do you know how to snowboard? ski? skate? 8. Where do you go skiing, skating, or snowboarding?
9. Have you ever gone mountain climbing? hiking? sailing? Where?
10. How fast can you run? swim? How far can you run? swim? 11. Have you ever injured yourself while playing a sport or while exercising?
Have you ever broken a bone?
12. What professional teams do you like? Who is your favorite professional
athlete in each sport?
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