WORK Margaret (1) was working as a waitress at a café in
Oxford when she first (2)
It (3)
the summer of his final year at Oxford.
rumpled shirt (5)
up wrong. His shoe laces (6)
His hair (7)
carelessly. He was tall.
see he was well-built. He
Margaret (8)
an amused air about (10)
and a way of narrowing his eyes as though he was
trying to read a far away sign. He looked as if he

ann396 ann396    2   28.11.2021 17:02    118

aidored aidored  13.01.2024 09:09

Margaret (1) was working as a waitress at a café in Oxford when she first (2) met Chako.

First, let's identify the sentence structure for each sentence.

1) "Margaret was working as a waitress at a café in Oxford." - This is a simple past tense sentence with the subject "Margaret" and the verb phrase "was working."

2) "she first met Chako." - This is a simple past tense sentence with the subject "she" and the verb phrase "first met."


It (3) was the summer of his final year at Oxford.

Now, let's analyze the next sentence.

3) "It was the summer of his final year at Oxford." - This is a simple past tense sentence with the subject "It" and the verb phrase "was the summer."


He (4) wore a rumpled shirt (5) and had his shoelaces untied (6). His hair (7) was brushed carelessly. He was tall.

Let's break down the sentence into separate parts.

4) "He wore a rumpled shirt and had his shoelaces untied." - This sentence describes the appearance of "He" and consists of two actions: wearing a rumpled shirt and having his shoelaces untied.

5) "His hair was brushed carelessly." - This sentence describes the condition of his hair, which was brushed carelessly.

6) "He was tall." - This sentence describes his height.


From a distance, Margaret could see he was well-built.

Now, let's analyze the next sentence.

7) "From a distance, Margaret could see he was well-built." - This sentence describes Margaret's perception of Chako's physical appearance. The phrase "From a distance" suggests that Margaret was not close to Chako. The verb phrase "Margaret could see" indicates Margaret's ability to observe Chako, and the phrase "he was well-built" describes Chako's physique.


Margaret (8) had (9) an amused air about (10) her and a way of narrowing her eyes as though she was trying to read a far away sign.

Now, let's analyze the next sentence.

8) "Margaret had an amused air about her." - This sentence describes Margaret's demeanor or attitude, which is characterized as amused.

9) "and a way of narrowing her eyes" - This phrase describes Margaret's facial expression, specifically, the action of narrowing her eyes.

10) "as though she was trying to read a faraway sign." - This phrase uses a simile to convey the intensity of Margaret's focus. It suggests that she looked as if she were trying to read a sign that was located far away.


He (11) seemed (12) to be unaware of her presence.

Let's analyze the sentence.

11) "He seemed to be unaware of her presence." - This sentence describes Chako's state of being, specifically, his unawareness of Margaret's presence.

12) "seemed" - This word suggests that Chako's lack of awareness is inferred or perceived by Margaret.

In summary, the passage describes Margaret's encounter with a person named Chako at the café where she worked in Oxford. It provides details about Chako's appearance, including his rumpled shirt, untied shoelaces, and carelessly brushed hair. Margaret also notices that he is tall and well-built from a distance. Additionally, Margaret's own demeanor and facial expressions are described, highlighting her amusement, narrowed eyes, and intense focus on Chako. Lastly, it is mentioned that Chako appears to be unaware of Margaret's presence.
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