William Caxton is the first English printer. He was born in Kent in 1422. His father was a famer. William did not want to become a famer like his father. So his father sent him to London. He worked in an office which traded with different countries. William liked to read new books which were printed in Europe.

When William Caxton was thirty, after his master’s death he started his own business in Belgium. In 1471 he left his business and began to translate French books into English. He became interested in printing and at last he learnt it. William wanted to have his own press one day and he did.

In 1476 he brought his printing-press to London. Printing was something new at that time and most people thought that it was the work of devil. Some of the people wanted to break his press. Caxton printed his first book in 1477. It was the first book printed in the English language. The book was Caxton’s translation of the French “Tales of Troy”.

William Caxton printed about eighty books. He translated thirty-one books from French. Caxton died in 1491.



Printer – печатник, типограф

to become - становиться


master-учитель, хозяин


printing press – печатный станок


about – около, приблизительно

Choose the correct answer

1) True 2) False 3) No information

1. Caxton is the first English translator.

2. Caxton’s father sent him to Paris.

3. Caxton worked in an office.

4. He got a lot of money.

5. He started his own business because he didn’t like his master.

6. Caxton translated German books into English.

7. Most people didn’t know anything about printing at that time.

8. Caxton printed his first book in London.

9. Caxton printed more than a hundred books.

10. He was very rich.

Do the test:
1. Great Britain consists of:

England, Scotland, Wales, Iceland
England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland
England, Wales, Scotland, The Republic of Ireland
England, Scotland, Britain, Wales

2. What language is NOT spoken in the UK?

a) English

b) Welsh

c) Gaelic

d) Hindi

3. What ocean washes the British Isles?

a) The Pacific Ocean

b) the Indian Ocean

c) the Atlantic Ocean

d) the South Ocean

4. The current British monarch is:

Queen Elizabeth the I c) Prince William
Queen Elizabeth II d) Queen Victoria
5. The Union Jack is:

a river c) Prime Minister
flag d) street
6. The English Channel separates Great Britain from:

Sweden c) Germany
France d) Russia
7. The capital of Wales is:

London c) Dublin
Birmingham d) Cardiff

Transform the sentences so that they have the similar meaning. Use the construction Subject + Passive verb + Infinitive. Translate your sentences into Russian.
It is believed that Russia is a big country with beautiful landscapes.
It is thought that the English are very reserved.
It is believed that the Russians are very generous.
They say that the Chinese are really hard-working.
It is considered that the Italians have a good sense of humour.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in capitals.

This year such dresses are really 1) .

Jim is a very 2) person, he always keeps his promises.

My journey to London was 3) !

This is a very 4) exercise.

Maggie was a shy, quiet, very 5) child.

Mike was a 6) musician.







Arystan228 Arystan228    2   20.01.2021 20:00    167

sergeywrest51 sergeywrest51  20.01.2021 20:10


Daniilkv Daniilkv  20.01.2021 20:10

Вильгельм Кастон

Уильям Кастон был первым английским типографистом.Он родился в 1422 году в графстве Кент.Его отец был крестьянином.Уильям не хочет быть фермером, как его отец.Его отец отправил его в Лондон.Он работает в отделе торговли с различными странами.Уильям любит читать новые книги в Европе.

когда Уильяму кастону было 30 лет, после смерти хозяина он начал свою карьеру в Бельгии.в 1471 году он покинул свою компанию и начал переводить книги на французский язык.Он заинтересовался полиграфией, и в конце концов научился.Уильям однажды хотел иметь свои собственные СМИ, и он это сделал.

в 1476 году он привез печатную машину в Лондон.полиграфия в то время была новой вещью, которую большинство людей считали шедевром дьявола.Некоторые хотят уничтожить его медиа.каркстон опубликовал свою первую книгу в 1477 году.Это первая книга на английском языке.Эта книга была переведена кастоном на французский "троянский рассказ".

Уильям Кастон напечатал около 80 книг.Он перевел 31 книгу на французском языке, и Кастон умер в 1491 году.

wwwrlfoto wwwrlfoto  11.01.2024 12:59
1) False.
Caxton is described as the first English printer, not translator. The passage mentions that he started his own business in Belgium and translated French books into English.

2) False.
There is no mention of Caxton being sent to Paris. The passage states that his father sent him to London.

3) True.
The passage states that Caxton worked in an office that traded with different countries.

4) No information.
The passage does not provide information about how much money Caxton made.

5) True.
The passage mentions that after his master's death, Caxton started his own business.

6) False.
The passage states that Caxton translated French books into English, not German books.

7) True.
The passage mentions that printing was something new at that time and most people thought it was the work of the devil.

8) True.
The passage mentions that Caxton brought his printing-press to London and printed his first book there.

9) False.
The passage states that Caxton printed about eighty books, not more than a hundred.

10) No information.
The passage does not provide information about Caxton's wealth.

1. Great Britain consists of:
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

2. What language is NOT spoken in the UK?
d) Hindi

3. What ocean washes the British Isles?
c) the Atlantic Ocean

4. The current British monarch is:
Queen Elizabeth II

5. The Union Jack is:

6. The English Channel separates Great Britain from:

7. The capital of Wales is:
Transform the sentences so that they have the similar meaning. Use the construction Subject + Passive verb + Infinitive. Translate your sentences into Russian.
1) It is believed that Russia is a big country with beautiful landscapes.
Russia is believed to be a big country with beautiful landscapes. - Считается, что Россия - большая страна с красивыми пейзажами.

2) It is thought that the English are very reserved.
The English are thought to be very reserved. - Считается, что англичанеявляются очень сдержанными.

3) It is believed that the Russians are very generous.
The Russians are believed to be very generous. - Считается, что русские являются очень щедрыми.

4) They say that the Chinese are really hard-working.
The Chinese are said to be really hard-working. - Говорят, что китайцы являются очень работолюбивыми.

5) It is considered that the Italians have a good sense of humor.
The Italians are considered to have a good sense of humor. - Считается, что итальянцы обладают хорошим чувством юмора.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word in capitals.

1) fashionable
2) reliable
3) unforgettable
4) effective
5) sociable
6) professional