Who, which, that, whose, where, when, why Вставить: 1)This is the bank ………….was robbed.
2)The man………… robbed the bank had two pistols.
3) He wore a mask ………… made him look like Mickey Mouse.
4) He came with a friend..…waited outside in the car.
5) The woman…….gave him the money was young.
6) The bag………contained the money was yellow.
7) The people,………were in the bank, were very frightened.
8) The car……..he escaped in was orange.
9) The man ………drove the car was nervous.
10) He didn't wait at the traffic lights ……..were red.

Tima66666666 Tima66666666    2   18.10.2020 04:46    37

Werevolk1 Werevolk1  18.10.2020 06:01

1 why

2 when

3 that

4 which

5 whose

6 who

6 where


я не знаю дальше

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