Who are the people in the pictures? Listen and read to find out.
Lord of the Greenwoo
One summer morning, many years ago, Another man in the group, ki
Robert, Earl of Huntingdon and Marian were in recognised Robert and told the ori
a church. It was their wedding day. Just as He explained that they were all ou
they were about to be married, the door burst lived in the forest and that the sha
open. It was the Sheriff of Nottingham! Nottingham was their enemy.
"Stop the wedding!" shouted the Sheriff. "You "From today, I am an outlaw, too.
are an enemy of the King!"
Robert. "Guy of Gisborne has got my to
"Me? King Richard's enemy?! Never!" my castle."
answered Robert.
"You can join us," one of the
The Sheriff said that his friend, Prince John, suggested. "Be our leader against Gis
was the new King while King Richard was and the Sheriff!"
away. He told Robert that he no longer owned That evening, as the men gathered arou
his castle, his land or his title, and ordered the fire, Will Scarlett presented Robert with
guards to arrest him.
and arrow and a green hood to wear.
But Robert was too fast. He escaped the guards “Thank you," said Robert "Sherwood
and rode away on a horse into the forest. Soon my castle now, and my name is..
after, a group of men stopped him.
Robin Hood!"
"Get off the horse and give us your money!" The men all cheered loudly, "Robin He
one of them said.
of the Greenwood!"​помагите керек соилем керек нужно вставит нужные слова

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