White cliffs downy from time immemorial the first that saw the sailors, podplyvaya to the shores of britain from the continent, was a chain of white cliffs stretching along the southern coast of england. this is the famous white cliffs of dover. julius caesar mentioned them in describing the roman invasion of britain, william shakespeare dedicated a few lines in his king lear. this rocks england owes its most ancient and poetic name of albion derived from the latin word "white". the dover cliffs were formed in the cretaceous period more than sixty million years ago of the countless remains of marine plankton. they consist of soft fine-grained rocks of chalk, with minor inclusions of silicon and quartz. the height of the cliffs reaches a hundred meters, but due to natural erosion every year it is reduced by about one centimeter. in addition, due to the fragility of the forming rocks rocks are frequent avalanches and landslides. прочитать,напишите по чтение

mehemmed20039 mehemmed20039    3   14.09.2019 08:30    1

Mariaaglotkova Mariaaglotkova  01.09.2020 13:50
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