Where (people go (go) to
see whales? Whales ? Que live (live) in all of the
oceans, but Vancouver Island is a good place to see them.
Myra Rawlings?
(organize) boat tours
from the island, but she
(not go) on the
boat with the tourists. That's her husband, Callum's job.
Their whale watching tours eve startstatt) at
9 a.m. every day and now it's midday. Callum is with two
families today, but the boatt
(not move).
(show) the families some whales.
The whales 8
(not swim) very fast, so they
are easy to follow. The people on the boat
(wear) headphones, but what
(listen to)? Whales
sounds to communicate with cach other. The families
12 ave listeningen) to the whales singing. How much
a whale watching tour
(cost)? It's usually about $150 per person.
(people go (go) to
see whales? Whales? Que lives (live) in all of the
oceans, but Vancouver Island is a good place to see them.
Myra Rawlings?
(organize) boat tours
from the island, but she
(not go) on the
boat with the tourists. That's her husband, Callum's job.
Their whale watching tours eve startstat at
9 a.m. every day and now it's midday. Callum is with two
families today, but the boats
(not move).
(show) the families some whales.
The whales 8
(not swim) very fast, so they
are easy to follow. The people on the boat
(wear) headphones, but what
(listen to)? Whales
sounds to communicate with each other. The families
12 ave listening) to the whales singing. How much
is a whale watching tour
(cost)? It's usually about $150 per person.