When and where did the Olympic Games take place?
How often did the Olympic Games happen?
What was the first Olympic event?
What competitions were added?
Who could compete in the ancient Olympics?
How were the winners awarded?
When was the International Olympic Committee created?
Who was the organizer of this Olympic Committee?
When and where did the Olympic Games take place again?
How many countries were included in this event?
What changes have taken place in the Olympic Games?
What new kinds of sport were included?
Explain the term Parallel Olympics. What do you know about the Youth Games?
What is the age of participants?
How often are the Olympic Games held nowadays?
What are the differences between the ancient Olympics and modern ones?
What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?
What colours are the rings?
What can flags symbolize?
What is another symbol of the Olympic Games?
When and where did the Olympic Games take place?
What does the lighting of the torch symbolize?
What is the goal of the Olympic Games?
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