"What strange thing!" she thought, At last she got tired but she couldn't
dancing. In
morning she couldn't have
breakfast. In afternoon and in
she danced to. When
she still could not stop. And at
week dancing she was very, very, very worried.
I must see
King,' she said and
danced to King's palace. When
Palace door opened, she danced through
halls to
King's throne.
"What do you want? Be quick, because
I am
very busy King! And stop dane-
ing,' the King said in
angry voice,
"That's problem! It is seventh
day of dancing.'
"It is
very strange.
COW hea
caught fallen star on her horn! Now, pull
star ofl.'
But it didn't come off.
took biggest book but it said noth-
ing about cows with
stars on their
horns. Except for story of the Cow Who
Jumped Over the Moon.​

nastiaprokopiv nastiaprokopiv    1   19.03.2021 10:17    15

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