What is dialogical speech?
A) is a relatively extended, well-organized kind of speech, a result of individual composition which presupposes a lasting utterance of one person, addressed to the public”.
B) is a form of speaking which is realized in the immediate exchange of replies between 2 and more persons.
C) is the physical production of sound using our tongue, lips, palate and respiratory system to communicate ideas.
D) is speech that is casual and relaxed, like conversations with friends. Informal speech may include slang, contractions and colloquial phrases.
E) is more likely to adhere to the rules of Standard English, most commonly used in the workplace, places of learning such as universities or events with a serious tone.
спрашивают, что такое диалог
во втором варианте ответа и есть пояснение этого слова
форма речи, которая реализуется в немедленном обмене ответами между двумя и более людьми