What Economists Do American specialists who work as eeonomistя have usually a gradu ate degree in есonomics either a master degree or a РЬ.П. Ву this definition about half of them are acadenmie economistя, who are en- сaged in teaching, writing and doing researeh in colleges and universi- ties. They alsо write textbooks and journal articles, develop and test new theoretical models, provide consulting services to governments and businesses. The other half of this profession works for business or govermment. Business ecomomists forecast sales and costs, help firms anticipate government policy. Some business economists work for private or- ganisations, helping them prерагe their arguments to try to affect tax laws, regulations, etc. which are important to particular branches of industries. Government economists also perform a variety of useful tasks. Of- ten the governnment economist works as a policy analyst. Econоmists forecast tax revenues and interest rates, analyse who gains and who loses from particular changes, monitor prices, compute total output and perform other useful tasks in the public sector. In the broader sense, economists study the ways in which people deal with the problems of scarcity, because at all times and in all societ- ies, everyone faces the scarcity problem in some form.
1. Who can work as an "economist" in the United States?
2. How many аcademic economists are there in the US?
3. What are academic economists involved in?
4. What do business economists do?
5. What are the tasks performed by government economists?