What did an embroidered towel prove? a)the hostess was tity, b) the hostess hod a good taste,c)the hostess was handy. Why were guests, met with bread and solt on the towel? A)the hostess showed her sympathy for guests.b) the hostess showed her hospitality for guests.c) the hostess showed she could affort to receive guests. What symbolized unity,peace,love,understanding among people?a)to bow and to kiss bread.b) to bring a towel to kiss a hostess. c) to take a towel to kiss bread. Why were Ukrainian houses decorated with the towel? a) the Ukrainians had nothing else to decorate the house. b) towel symbolized the style of life of the Ukrainians.c) the Ukrainians liked to have nice- looking houses. What different ceremonies and everyday life were embroidered towels used for?a) For drying dishes,wiping hands.b) presenting dear people ,wiping faces, hands.c) getting newly- formed family in the house.
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