WHAT ARE TEENS DOING ONLINE? Teens have a significant presence online and their no. 1 activity is to look up for 1. using search engines, via PC or mobile. Most teens go online to visit social networks. 2. to watching videos and playing 5. too. Reading and sending 4.are other digital activities teens and sports offline. Shopping is a like doing. But they still prefer watching 6. games popular offline behaviour as well; teens prefer going to the shopping centre with some 7. listening But it is only a matter of time before services offered by 8. activity and music is a very popular teen online 3. emails TV tablets bring even more activity to the online world for teens.

34224253 34224253    1   31.05.2023 05:15    0

lyntik228 lyntik228  31.05.2023 06:01
Teens have a significant presence online and their number one activity is to look up information using search engines, via PC or mobile. Most teens go online to visit social networks. Additionally, they are drawn to watching videos and playing games as well. Reading and sending emails are other digital activities teens engage in. Shopping is also a popular online activity for teens. However, they still prefer watching TV and listening to music, which are popular offline behaviors. Going to the shopping center with friends is a preferred offline activity as well. But it is only a matter of time before services offered by tablets bring even more activity to the online world for teens, and music remains a very popular teen online activity.
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