Westminster Abbey is famous for its architecture and historical associations. It shelters some of the world’s famous graves. jChaucer, Charles Dickens, Tennyson, Thomas Hardy, Kipling and others were buried there. There in the Poet’s Comer there are memorials to Shakespeare and Milton, Bums, Byron, Scott, Thackeray and Longfellow. Nearly all the kings and queens have been crowned in the Abbey since the time of the Conquest. It also houses the rarest collection of royal effigies, containing wax ч figures of most of the English sovereigns, which used to be carried in procession in funeral ceremonies. The oldest original figure is that of Charles II, which is still in good condition. Here is also the grave of the Unknown Soldier who represents the fallen in the First World War. II. К подчеркнутому в тексте предложению составьте все возможные вопросы (не менее 7). ■ III. Выпишите из текста одно многосложное прилагательное и напишите его во всех трех степенях сравнения. IV. В предложении Nearly all the kings and queens have been crowned in the Abbey since the time of the Conquest определите видовременную форму глагола и напишите это предложение в двух других временах этой группы и залога. V. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых есть Participle I или Participle II и опре целите их функцию.

Сабина11123 Сабина11123    2   25.06.2020 01:18    5

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